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Ncert Solutions Class 7 Maths Congruence of Triangles

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  • Class 7
  • Math
  • congruence

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Math Chapter 16 Congruence are provided here with simple step-by-step explanations. These solutions for Congruence are extremely popular among Class 7 students for Math Congruence Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for exams. All questions and answers from the NCERT Book of Class 7 Math Chapter 16 are provided here for you for free. You will also love the ad-free experience on Meritnation's NCERT Solutions. All NCERT Solutions for class Class 7 Math are prepared by experts and are 100% accurate.

Page No 199:

Question 1:

State the correspondence between the vertices, sides and angles of the following pairs of congruent triangles.

(i) ∆ABC ≅ ∆EFD
(ii) ∆CAB ≅ ∆QRP
(iii) ∆XZY ≅ ∆QPR
(iv) ∆MPN ≅ ∆SQR


We have to state the correspondence between the vertices , sides and angles of the following pairs of congruent triangles . ( i ) A B C E F D Correspondence between vertices : A E , B F , C D Correspondence between sides : A B = E F , B C = F D , C A = D E Correspondence between angles : A = E , B = F , C = D ( ii ) C A B Q R P Correspondence between vertices : C Q , A R , B P Correspondence between sides : C A = Q R , A B = R P , B C = P Q Correspondence between angles : C = Q , A = R , B = P ( iii ) X Z Y Q P R Correspondence between vertices : X Q , Z P , Y R Correspondence between sides : X Z = Q P , Z Y = P R , Y X = R Q Correspondence between angles : X = Q , Z = P , Y = R ( iv ) M P N S Q R Correspondence between vertices : M S , P Q , N R Correspondence between sides : M P = S Q , P N = Q R , N M = R S Correspondence between angles : M = S , P = Q , N = R

Page No 200:

Question 2:

Given below are pairs of congruent triangles. State the property of congruence and name the congruent triangles in each case.


( i ) A C B D E F ( SAS congruence property ) ( i i ) R P Q L N M ( RHS congruence property ) ( i i i ) Y X Z T R S ( SSS congruence property ) ( i v ) D E F P N M ( ASA congruence property ) ( v ) A C B A C D ( ASA congruence property )

Page No 200:

Question 3:

In Fig. PL ⊥ OA and PM ⊥ OB such that PL = PM. Is ∆PLO ≅ ∆PMO?
Give reasons in support of your answer.


Given : P L O A P M O B P L = P M To prove : P L O P M O Proof : I n P L O and P M O : P L O = P M O ( 90 ° each ) P O = P O ( common ) P L = P M ( given ) B y RHS congruence property : P L O P M O

Page No 200:

Question 4:

In Fig. AD = BC and AD || BC. Is AB = DC? Give reasons in support of your answer.



Given : A D = B C A D B C We have to show that A B = D C . Proof : A D B C B C A = D A C ( alternate angles ) In A B C and C D A : B C = D A ( given ) BCA = DAC ( proved above ) AC = AC ( common ) B y SAS c ongruence property : A B C C D A = > A B = C D ( corresponding parts of the congruent triangles )

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Question 5:

In the adjoining figure, AB = AC and BD = DC. Prove that ∆ADB ≅ ∆ADC and hence show that
(i) ∠ADB = ∠ADC = 90°
(ii) ∠BAD = ∠CAD.


Given : A B = A C , B D = D C To prove : A D B A D C Proof : ( i ) I n A D B and A D C : A B = A C ( given ) BD = DC ( given ) DA = DA ( common ) B y SSS congruence property : A D B A D C A D B = A D C ( corresponding parts of the congruent triangles ) . . . ( 1 ) A D B and A D C are on the straight line . A D B + A D C = 180 ° A D B + A D B = 180 ° = > 2 A D B = 180 ° = > A D B = 90 ° F rom ( 1 ) : A D B = A D C = 90 ° ( ii ) B A D = C A D ( corresponding parts of the congruent triangles )

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Question 6:

In the adjoining figure, ABC is a triangle in which AD is the bisector of ∠A. If AD ⊥ BC, show that ∆ABC is isosceles.


Given : A D is a bisector of A . = > D A B = D A C . . . ( 1 ) A D B C = > B D A = C D A ( 90 ° each ) To prove : A B C is isosceles . Proof : In D A B and D A C : B D A = C D A ( 90 ° each ) D A = D A ( common ) DAB = DAC ( from 1 ) B y ASA congruence property : D A B D A C = > A B = A C ( corresponding parts of the congruent triangles ) Therefore , A B C is isosceles .

Page No 201:

Question 7:

In the adjoining figure, AB = AD and CB = CD.
Prove that ∆ABC ≅ ∆ADC .



Given : A B = A D C B = C D To prove : A B C A D C Proof : In A B C and A D C : A B = A D ( given ) BC = DC ( given ) AC = AC ( common ) A B C A D C ( b y SSS congruence property )

Page No 201:

Question 8:

In the given figure, PA ⊥ AB, QB ⊥ AB and PA = QB.
Prove that ∆OAP ≅ ∆OBQ .
Is OA = OB?



Given : P A A B Q B A B P A = Q B To prove : O A P O B Q Find whether O A = O B . Proof : In O A P and O B Q : P O A = Q O B ( v ertically opposite angles ) O A P = O B Q ( 90 ° each ) P A = Q B ( g iven ) B y A A S congruence property : O A P O B Q = > O A = O B ( corresponding parts of the congruent triangles )

Page No 201:

Question 9:

In the given figure, triangles ABC and DCB are right-angled at A and D respectively and AC = DB. Prove that ∆ABC ≅ ∆DCB.



Given : Triangles A B C a n d D C B are right angled at A and D , respectively . A C = D B To prove : A B C D C B In A B C and D C B : C A B = B D C ( 90 ° each ) B C = B C ( common ) A C = D B ( given ) B y R . H . S . congruence property : A B C D C B

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Question 10:

In the adjoining figure, ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. If E and F be the midpoints of AC and AB respectively, prove that BE = CF.



G i v e n : A B C is an isosceles triangle in which A B = A C . E and F are midpoints of A C and A B , respectively . To prove : B E = C F Proof : E and F are midpoints of A C and A B , respectively . = > A F = F B , A E = E C A B = A C = > 1 2 A B = 1 2 A C = > F B = E C A B C = A C B ( angle opposite to equal sides are equal ) = > F B C = E C B Consider B C F and C B E : B C = B C ( common ) F B C = E C B ( proved above ) F B = E C ( proved above ) B y S A S congruence property : B C F C B E B E = C F ( corresponding parts of the congruent triangles )

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Question 11:

In the adjoining figure, P and Q are two points on equal sides AB and AC of an isosceles triangle ABC such that AP = AQ.
Prove that BQ = CP.



Given : A B = A C A B C is an isosceles triangle . A P = A Q To prove : B Q = C P Proof : A B = A C ( given ) A P = A Q ( given ) A B - A P = A C - A Q = > B P = C Q A B C = A C B ( angle opposite to the equal sides are equal ) = > P B C = Q C B I n P B C and Q C B : P B = Q C ( proved above ) P B C = Q C B ( proved above ) B C = B C ( common ) B y S A S congruence property : P B C Q C B B Q = C P ( corresponding parts of the congruent triangles )

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Question 12:

In the given figure, ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. If AB and AC are produced to D and E respectively such that BD = CE.
Prove that BE = CD.



Given : A B C is an isosceles triangle . A B = A C B D = C E To prove : B E = C D Proof : A B + B D = A C + C E ( A s , A B = A C , B D = C E ) = > A D = A E Consider A C D and A B E : A C = A B ( given ) C A D = B A E ( common ) A D = A E ( proved above ) B y S A S congruence property : A C D A B E = > C D = B E ( corresponding parts of the congruent triangles )

Page No 202:

Question 13:

In the adjoining  figure, ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. Also, D is a point such that BD = CD.
Prove that AD bisects ∠A and ∠D



. Given : A B C is an isosceles triangle . A B = A C B D = C D To prove : A D bisects A and D . Proof : Consider A B D and A C D : A B = A C ( given ) BD = CD ( given ) AD = AD ( common ) B y S S S congruence property : A B D A C D = > B A D = C A D ( by cpct ) = > B D A = C D A ( by cpct )

Page No 202:

Question 14:

If two triangles have their corresponding angles equal, are they always congruent? If not, draw two triangles which are not congruent but which have their corresponding angles equal.


No, its not necessary. If the corresponding angles of two triangles are equal, then they may or may not be congruent.
They may have proportional sides as shown in the following figure:

Page No 202:

Question 15:

Are two triangles congruent if two sides and an angle of one triangle are respectively equal to two sides and an angle of the other? If not then under what conditions will they be congruent?


No, two triangles are not congruent if their two corresponding sides and one angle are equal. They will be congruent only if the said angle is the included angle between the sides.

Page No 202:

Question 16:

Draw ∆ABC and ∆PQR such that they are equal in area but not congruent.


Both triangles have equal area due to the the same product of height and base. But they are not congruent.

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Question 17:

Fill in the blanks:

(i) Two lines segments are congruent if they have ...... .
(ii) Two angles are congruent if they have ...... .
(iii) Two squares are congruent if they have ...... .
(iv) Two circles are congruent if they have ...... .
(v) Two rectangles are congruent if they have ...... .
(vi) Two triangles are congruent if they have ...... .


(i) the same length

(ii) the same measure

(iii)the same side length

(iv) the same radius

(v) the same length and the same breadth

(vi) equal parts

Page No 202:

Question 18:

Which of the following statements are true and which of them are false?

(i) All squares are congruent.
(ii) If two squares have equal areas, they are congruent.
(iii) If two figures have equal areas, they are congruent.
(iv) If two triangles are equal in area, they are congruent.
(v) If two sides and one angle of a triangle are equal to the corresponding two sides and angle of another triangle, the triangle are congruent.
(vi) If two angles and any side of a triangle are equal to the corresponding angles and the side of another triangle then the triangles are congruent.
(vii) If three angles of a triangle are equal to the corresponding angles of another triangle then the triangles are congruent.
(viii) If the hypotenuse and an acute angle of a right triangle are equal to the hypotenuse and the corresponding acute angle of another right triangle then the triangle are congruent.
(ix) If the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the hypotenuse of another right triangle then the triangles are congruent.
(x) If two triangles are congruent then their corresponding sides and their corresponding angles are congruent.


(i) False
This is because they can be equal only if they have equal sides.

(ii) True
This is because if squares have equal areas, then their sides must be of equal length.

(iii) False
For example, if a triangle and a square have equal area, they cannot be congruent.

(iv) False
For example, an isosceles triangle and an equilateral triangle having equal area cannot be congruent.

(v) False
They can be congruent if two sides and the included angle of a triangle are equal to the corresponding two sides and the included corresponding angle of another triangle.

(vi) True
This is because of the AAS criterion of congruency.

(vii) False
Their sides are not necessarily equal.

(viii)  True
This is because of the AAS criterion of congruency.

(ix) False
This is because two right triangles are congruent if the hypotenuse and one side of the first triangle are respectively equal to the hypotenuse and the corresponding side of the second triangle.

(x) True

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Ncert Solutions Class 7 Maths Congruence of Triangles
